Does Music Affect Your Mood?

Let’s start with an exercise…

Have you ever had a time in your life where one song / artist seemed to be the soundtrack of that season? And now every time you go back there in your memory, your brain can’t help but to play that music in the background?

Think about what was going on in that memory; Where were you? Who were you with? What did you feel? If you indulged me and followed along, you probably can easily equate the sense of emotion of that season with the music of that season.

The music that you listen to has a profound effect on your mood - maybe even more than we realize…


Music has been proven to help your brain enter into a deeper state of concentration than without it. It triggers both sides of the brain - logical and creative - and it seems to play an effect in bringing the brainwaves from a Beta (alert / nervous) state to a deeper Alpha (relaxed) and even Theta (meditative / insightful) state, enhancing creativity and focus and lowering stress.

Click here to learn more about how music affects concentration.


Listening to music while exercising is a good example of the positive effects it can have on motivation. Studies have shown that athletes who listen to music during workouts experienced improved stamina and higher levels of serotonin (a “feel good” chemical) within the brain.

Click here to learn more about how music affects motivation.


As we’ve all probably experienced, the emotional experience that we have when watching a movie or attending a theater production is greatly magnified and guided by the soundtrack. In fact, changing the music can change the entire dramatic landscape of the plot itself.

Check out this video that demonstrates the affect of swapping out different music to the famous opening scene of The Lion King.

Playing vs. Listening

But the effects that listening to music has on your mood pales in comparison to the effects that playing music has on you. We may be biased, but there’s quite simply nothing like you yourself being the source of the music that you and others hear. And science would agree.

Click here to watch this quick TED-Ed talk about how playing music affects your brain.

Ready to start making music instead of just listening to it? Click here to get your first lesson free today.

-John Gotsis, Founder/Owner at Vibe Music Academy