4th of July

5 Patriotic Tunes that are Perfect for Celebrating Independence Day

5 Patriotic Tunes that are Perfect for Celebrating Independence Day

No Fourth of July is complete without the inspiring sounds of patriotic music. Although pieces like the National Anthem and “Stars and Stripes Forever” are obvious favorites for the season, there is a whole wealth of other patriotic repertoire that is sure to give your Fourth of July cookout some extra flair. This post highlights five of these lesser-known patriotic pieces that will make the perfect addition to your Independence Day playlist.

10 Places Around Indianapolis to Hear Great Music This 4th of July Season.

10 Places Around Indianapolis to Hear Great Music This 4th of July Season.

Ah, the 4th of July season. Barbecue pot-lucks, family gatherings, warm weather (fingers crossed), and great music! Perhaps with the exception of Christmas time, there might not be a holiday season with better opportunities for you and your young musician to hear some quality live music. And this year in the Indianapolis area, you've got some good choices to pick from, spanning from the end of June to mid July! 

Music is its own language, and just like with any spoken language, the more exposure you have to it, the more fluent you become in it. That's why one of the best things you can do as a parent of a young musician is expose them to great live music. So here's 10 potentially awesome events with live performances that you can choose from during this music-saturated time of year...