How to Be Successful Learning an Instrument in 3 Months

In a world that appreciates instant gratification at such a high level, musicians must constantly fight this phenomenon with hard work and a strong practice ethic. However, sometimes life gets in the way, and we have to make do with the time that we have. This article is to assist those in the latter situation.

Set Small Goals

Everyone knows that learning to play an instrument is a lifelong task with many levels of achievement along the way. However, if it is your desire to experience personal success sooner, then setting smaller goals for yourself at the beginning will be most helpful. For example:

  • In one week, I will be able to properly play “Mary Had a Little Lamb” with only my right hand on the keyboard.

  • In five practice sessions, I will be able to play five notes with a good sound on the clarinet.

  • In one month, I will be able to sing this entire Beatles album from memory.

As you can see, although these goals have different levels of difficulty and time frames, they are all concise, detailed, and manageable. Then, celebrate those accomplishments! You have earned it.

Watch Others

In my opinion, one of the best ways to improve your own playing or singing is by observing and watching a professional. We have modeling complexes built into our brains from birth, and throughout most of our lives, we’ve been taught to act and function a certain way: like someone else. This certainly applies to music-making as well: we benefit greatly from trying to emulate a great model singing or playing your same instrument. A simple YouTube search will do the trick if you’re not sure who to watch!

When you are observing the individual, be sure to take note of every detail - not just how it sounds. How are their hands moving, how do they breath, how much control do they have over the music - these are all great things to ask yourself. Be a sponge and soak it all in!

Consult Help

Just like many other parts of life, it is certainly difficult to try something new on your own without any accountability at all. Having someone close by to demonstrate honesty to you and provide feedback is of utmost importance. This is why parental involvement is so vital when young students are learning an instrument (see this blog post for more!). Here at Vibe Music Academy, we are proud to provide that kind of relationship for so many musicians across the state of Indiana. Please never hesitate to reach out or ask some additional questions!

- Tyler Long, Administrative Assistant/Music Instructor at Vibe Music Academy.